7 Meet The Teacher Tips For Parents You Should Probably Know!

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Before you head off for meet the teacher night, there’s a few things you should know! Here are 7 must-know meet the teacher tips for parents!

Meet the teacher tips for parents

Hi friends,

Back to school season is such a busy month for parents! There are just so many things to buy and dates to remember. One of the most important dates is meet the teacher night!

Meet the teacher night is such a great experience for future students and their parents! Getting to see and meet your child’s teacher is huge. I mean, they’re going to be the one person with your child the majority of the next nine months. Let’s be honest, it’s kind of a big deal!

Before you and your little one head out for meet the teacher night, there are a few things to keep in mind though. Here’s are 7 meet the teacher night tips for parents to ensure not only a successful night, but a successful first day and school year!

7 Meet the Teacher Tips for Parents

meet the teacher night

1. Show up a little bit early

I know, most meet the teacher nights land on a work week and lets face it, weeknights are busy enough as it is.

If possible, try to show up to meet the teacher night a little bit early! With hundreds of students in your child’s school there will be so many cars full of families eager for this night too. Showing up early will help you get a parking spot that’s not two miles down the road from the school.

This also gives you a chance to potentially be one of the first faces your child’s new teacher greats! Be mindful though, some teachers will still be making last minute touches to their classroom and getting things ready. We might be excited to meet them but we also don’t want to be rude and rush them before they’re ready.

2. Leave siblings at home

Let’s imagine a room with 20+ future students in it. Now let’s add two more people per student to account for parents. Okay, add two more people per student to account for a sister and brother.. I’m not too good at math but you get the idea!

There will already be so many parents and students crowded in the classroom! If at all possible, try to leave any siblings at home. The classroom is already going to be loud and packed, let’s try not to add to it.

Plus, being able to go to meet the teacher night with just your one child will allow you truly be present. You’ll be able to focus on exploring the room with your little one and won’t be as distracted.

I understand this may not be possible for all families, especially if you don’t have family or friends near by to help watch your other kids. That’s okay. Those of us who are able to will hopefully make this easier for you by not unnecessarily overcrowding the classroom!

school supplies

3. Bring your school supplies

At our school, this is already made as a suggestion for families!

If you’ve already got all of your back to school shopping done and have all the items needed from your class supplies list, bring them with you!

Most likely, the teacher will have a spot to store them. Plus, this will help on the first day of school! Bringing supplies now means your little one won’t have to have a backpack shoved to the brim full of supplies that weighs more than them lol

If worse comes to worse and your child’s teacher says not yet, at least you’re there to help your little one bring the stuff back to the car. But in my experience, most teacher will gladly accept the supplies!

4. Get to know the teacher

This may sound silly since, it’s kinda in the name “meet the teacher night” that you’ll obviously be meeting the teacher but we want to really be able to get to know them.

With so many other parents there, it may be hard to get an actual conversation in with the teacher. Consider bringing in a teacher questionnaire that has a few basic questions about them. This will help you know your child’s teacher on a deeper level. Plus, you’ll have endless teacher gift ideas for the school year!

We have a free printable “teacher questionnaire” that you can download here to print out and bring!

Giving your teacher the questionnaire on meet the teacher night will give them a few days to go over it and quickly fill it out. This way they’ll hopefully be ready to send it back home shortly after the first day. You can always bring it in on the first day of school too though!

{Related Post: Teacher Questionnaire For Gifts Printable | All My Teachers Favorite Things}

5. Walk around the school

If you have a kindergartener, this is a big one!

You’ll obviously already be in the classroom exploring all of the new things with your child but this is also a great opportunity to explore the rest of the school as well!

After you’re done meeting with the teacher, take a walk around the school with your little one. Go exploring for a bit. Some things you might want to check out include where some basic things are.

Look around and find out where the bathrooms are, where the cafeteria is and maybe even the library! You can also look for the gym, take a look at the playground, etc.

Just getting to know the building better with your little one will help calm some nerves about going into a new place. This way they’ll feel a bit more familiar with the school come the first day of school!

meet the teacher night tips for parents

6. Remember that this is NOT a conference

For some, this might be the hardest of the meet the teacher tips for parents!

I totally get it, as a worry-wart anxiety ridden parent myself, you may be tempted to ask a million one questions. Don’t worry, you’ll definitely get a chance for that, but this is not the night.

As mentioned before, there will be 20+ other students and parents all there this night too. The teacher will want to be able to go around and meet each family without being there all night. This means unless you have a general question about the classroom, it’s best to save the personal, child-specific questions till later.

If you have specific questions or concerns that pertain to your child, it’s best to shoot them an email towards the end of the first week. Give them some time to get back to you though since they’ll most likely be bombarded by other parents having similar questions about their child too.

Trust me, your child’s teacher will thank you for this!

meet the teacher night tips

7. Take photos

Whether this is your child’s first year in school as a kindergartener or their third year, it’s still a big step!

Be sure to snap a few photos while you’re there. Ask your child’s teacher for a quick photo of them with your child, take photos of you as a family in front of the school, even photos of the classroom it’s self! Some schools may even have photo props of their own!

Last year I used my instax mini a lot (because I’m terrible about printing photos) and we made a personal school year scrapbook and all of these photos went into it. I personally have a photo of my daughter and her kindergarten teacher on the meet the teacher night too. She loves to look back on it and I think it’s very special too!

Capture all these moments, these years go by so incredibly fast!

This post was all about meet the teacher tips for parents that you should know!

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